Insolvency Law and Restructuring

Companies often face challenges that jeopardize their stability, liquidity, and solvency. Issues such as the loss of key clients, rising costs, and debt recovery which are leading to a company's insolvency require a professional approach and constructive solutions. At Križanec & Partners Law Firm in Slovenia we have extensive experience in complex insolvency proceedings and financial restructuring. We also provide comprehensive solutions using appropriate legal options to address the insolvency of legal entities.

The Leading Law Firm in Slovenia in the Field of Insolvency Law and Restructuring

At Križanec & Partners Law Firm in Slovenia offer comprehensive services in in the field of insolvency law, including counseling and representation in voluntary restructuring proceedings, liquidation proceedings, and representation of creditors in national (Slovenian) and cross-border insolvency proceedings. We specialize in preparing financial restructuring agreements, assisting in recapitalization, and conducting negotiations with creditors and debtors. Our expertise includes advising on the purchase of assets of insolvent debtors and representing clients in the sales and purchases of distressed debts.

Why choose Križanec & Partners Law Firm in Slovenia for Insolvency Law and Restructuring Matters

Comprehensive Understanding of Economic Relationships

Insolvency law and restructuring require more than just knowledge of legal rules. At Križanec & Partners Law Firm in Slovenia we understand that comprehensive understanding of economic relationships, accounting rules, valuation, and business operations is crucial in this field.

Stability in Challenging Conditions

Križanec & Partners Law Firm in Slovenia helps you overcome the challenges posed by impending illiquidity. Our prompt response is crucial to maintaining your company's trust with your business partners.

Opportunities in Difficulties

Insolvent companies can also present opportunities for our clients to acquire a functioning business or assets under more favorable conditions. In such cases Križanec & Partners Law Firm in Slovenia provides top-notch legal support from experts who will assist you with practical advice in this field. Our goal is to optimize the client's interest with a thoughtful strategy that leads to concrete and successful results.


Križanec & Partners
Dalmatinova ulica 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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