Changes to Slovenian Law of Property Code

Yesterdays the Slovenian Parliament passed a law that will introduce changes to the Slovenian Law of Property Code. This is only the second time that the law is being changed since its adoption 18 years ago. Quite substantial changes are the result of academic discussions that have been going on for some time. Most important changes to be implemented are as follows:
Reform of commonhold, co-ownership, non-possessory lien on movable property, quasi-real easement and right of superficies, such that they will be aligned with modern business practice.
Reform of the register of non-possessory liens on movable property and seized goods, such that it will become a modern property register, enabling fast and effective online access for both the authorities and the public.
Legal definition of animals as living beings (rather than things).
The changes are a welcome refreshment to one of the older Slovenian laws of systemic importance, which will thus – while keeping its basic principles – remain relevant in the modern times.
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