22 Mar, 2022

Mitigation of the consequences due to impact of high energy prices on individuals


On 22 February 2022, the National Assembly of Slovenia adopted the Emergency Measures Act to mitigate the consequences due to the impact of high energy prices, which entered into force on 5 March 2022. The Act is adopting measures that will mitigate the consequences and impact of high energy prices in the field of energy, social protection and rights from public funds. The Act stipulates measures that are intended for natural persons and not legal entities. The measures below will apply from 1 February 2022 to 30 April 2022:

A.    A one-off solidarity allowance of 150 EUR to address the consequences of rising energy prices. The allowance will be paid by 15 April 2022 at the latest, and the funds will be provided from the Climate Change Fund. Beneficiaries of the allowance are:

  • pensioners whose income for the month of December 2021 was 1000 EUR or less;

  • beneficiaries of disability benefits for the month of December 2021 under the Act governing the social inclusion of the disabled;

  • recipients of social allowance or protection allowance for December 2021;

  • beneficiaries of the child allowance from the first to the sixth income class for the month of December 2021;

  • beneficiaries of the large family allowance for 2021; (additional allowance of 50 EUR for four or more children);

  • foster parents who had concluded at least one foster care contract in December 2021 in accordance with the provisions of the Act governing the performance of foster care activities.

B.    The Act temporarily provides for an exemption from the contribution for the provision of support for the production of energy in high-efficiency cogeneration and from renewable energy sources for final customers of the low-voltage non-metering power group and household electricity customers.

C.    By the Act, the tariff settings for the distribution operator for billing power and assumed working energy for all customer groups are also reduced to zero.

D.     As a last measure, the Act stipulates that condominium owners of individual dwellings in multi-apartment buildings who heat their dwellings with heat from common natural gas boilers, with household customers co-owners of common boilers, have all rights to purchase gas for these common boilers, with regard to the conditions of purchase of natural gas, such as those enjoyed by household customers of natural gas who purchase natural gas for their own use. Condominium owners cannot exercise their rights individually, but together at a common point of consumption.

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