New financing opportunities for start-ups

At the beginning of the month the Slovene Enterprise Fund (hereinafter: the “SEF”) published two new public calls, meant for innovative start-ups that have difficulty accessing financing through commercial banks or other traditional forms of financing: Public call SK75 2019 – Convertible innovative businesses start-up loan in the amount of EUR 75,000 (SK75 2019 – Konvertibilno posojilo za zagon inovativnih podjetij v višini 75.000 EUR, hereinafter referred to as "SK75 2019 public call"), and public call SI-SK 2019 – Co-Investing with Private Investors (SI-SK 2019 – So-investiranje z zasebnimi investitorji, hereinafter referred to as "SI-SK 2019 public call").Pursuant to the SK75 2019 public call young innovative companies can obtain quasi-equity financing in the amount of EUR 75,000, with available funds amounting to EUR 750,000, while in accordance with the SI-SK 2019 public call the SEF, together with an independent private investor, invests or provides equity financing in the amount between EUR 100,000 and EUR 600,000 (the amount of funds that can be obtained by a respective company depends on the amount of the private investment), with available funds amounting to EUR 1,250,000.The deadline for submission of applications to the SEF pursuant to the SK75 2019 public call is 27 September 2019, while there are several deadlines for submission of applications pursuant to the SI-SK 2019 public call, namely 31 August 2019, 30 September 2019, 31 December 2019, 31 March 2020, 30 June 2020, 30 September 2020 in 31 December 2020.If you are a young innovative start-up, and the abovementioned public calls interest you, check, whether you fulfill the conditions for financing, and submit your application in time.
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