17 Mar, 2021

Successful completion of the first e-auction


On 9 March 2021, the first e-auction of the Slovenian judiciary, in which several bidders participated, was successfully completed. At the auction, which lasted 40 minutes, the apartment in the size of 63.8 square meters with the starting price of 39,256.70 euros, was sold for 77,000.00 euros. More than 550 e-auctions are announced in the next three months.

Since 1 February 2021, judicial auctions in enforcement proceedings may be conducted online and not merely in person at the auction venue. Online judicial auctions can be accessed through the security-supported web portal sodnedrazbe.si, which replaces publications on the websites of the judiciary and individual courts. All sales of real estate, movable property and rights that are carried out in court proceedings after 1 February 2021, are now published on one website. The execution of online public auctions is possible in the sale of real estate and rights in the enforcement proceedings, and the method of auctioning in other types of proceedings is visible on the web portal.

Access to publications is free of charge and is possible without user registration. However, for other activities, such as saving favourite matches and bidding itself, users must obtain a qualified certificate of one of the trusted service providers, and log in into the SI-PASS system, whereby the use of a one-time smsPASS password is also enabled. This facilitates easier access to the public auction, which increases the circle of potential bidders and competition, with the aim of achieving higher prices of things sold, for more efficient repayment of creditors’ claims. The online auction is locationally and timely independent, anonymous (after the confirmed application, the bidder is assigned a unique sign with the system to participate in the selected online auction) and prevents possible collusion and blackmail between individual bidders.

The portal allows you to search by multiple keys, and the interested bidder can easily register for the auction with one click. The court that called the auction confirms or rejects the interested bidder after reviewing the application and verifying the payment of the security, of which the bidder is informed via e-mail and the portal system. All users are guaranteed the authenticity of transactions, which means that bidders cannot withdraw or deny the given bids. It is also impossible to place bids before and after the time set for the online auction. The online auction starts and ends automatically, allowing the auction to be extended if a new bid arrives two minutes before the end of the auction. After the auction, each bidder receives a report on the progress of the online auction.

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