Tourist vouchers

Tourist voucher is one of the government measures to mitigate the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic, as the tourism is one of the economic sectors that was hardest hit by the epidemic. In June 2020, the Government adopted a decree governing the method of redeeming vouchers.
Persons over age of 18 with permanent residence in Slovenia as of 13 March 2020 are entitled to redeem the voucher in the amount of EUR 200 and those under the age of 18 in the amount of EUR 50. Beneficiaries will not receive vouchers in physical form, as the vouchers are recorded as a credit in favour of the beneficiary in the FURS (eDavki) information system, to which all service providers will have access. Vouchers are transferrable between family members, exempt from taxation and may be used in parts. They are valid from 19 June to 31 December 2020. If vouchers are not redeemed in this period, the beneficiary may not claim the voucher in cash or redeem it later.
On the day of arrival at the time of registration for accommodation or for accommodation with breakfast (service), the beneficiary must inform the service provider that he/she will redeem the tourist voucher. The vouchers are redeemed at the service provider by entering the data on the beneficiary and the amount of the redeemed voucher into the eDavki system, and the beneficiary confirms the use of the voucher by signing the prescribed form Confirmation of redeeming the voucher (Potrditev unovčitve bona) and submitting a copy of identity card or passport. The form of written confirmation of the redemption of the voucher will be delivered to the beneficiary by the service provider at the reception.
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SI-1000 Ljubljana