14 Mar, 2019

What is obligatory for online-games-of-chance providers in Slovenia?


Online games of chance may be organized solely by companies having a concession for the specific online game of chance determined in the concession agreement. Any accepting or transmitting of payments, advertising or other services related to the organization of games of chance for persons without a governmental concession is prohibited in the Republic of Slovenia.This essentially means that a company organizing proprietary games of chance or providing services such as forwarding orders and transmitting payments for third companies that organize games of chance may do so solely based on a concession decision and a concession agreement. Absence of a concession award may be subject to proceedings initiated by the Financial administration of the Republic of Slovenia (“FURS”). FURS usually prohibits performance of online games of chance through the company’s website in Slovenia and initiates court enforcement proceedings – redirection of traffic to a state operated website stating that FURS has blocked access to the company’s website. At the same time, misdemeanour proceedings against the company and the person responsible are initiated.It stems from the above that it is crucial for companies involved in online games of chance to appoint legal counsel immediately following the receipt of a letter from the FURS in order to assess and mitigate the risks. For example, the company can be subject to fines in the maximum amount of 250,000 EUR in case of organizing games, however, not more than  52,500 EUR for advertising and other related services without a concession.

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