
Lexcellence law offices in 6 Western Balkan countries focus on meeting the complex business needs of major regional and international companies.  Our adaptation to a rapidly changing world and our determination and competence to keep up with regional and worldwide trends ensure that our clients stay well ahead of the curve.

Belgrade RS

Four Legal
Kapetan Mišina 15, 11158 Belgrade, Serbia

Four Legal is a specialized commercial law firm based in Belgrade, Serbia, firmly committed to providing advice at the highest level and achieving lasting results for our clients. The team is experienced in providing sophisticated legal advice with solutions catered to client’s needs in the areas of corporate law, M&A, banking and finance, real estate, employment, restructuring and insolvency, and litigation and arbitration, regulatory and compliance. Four Legal’s undivided focus on impeccable legal service and providing solely the services in which they excel, has a proven record of successful outcomes in the most demanding cases, and largest corporate transactions and disputes.

Ljubljana SI

Križanec & Partnerji
Dalmatinova ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Odvetniška pisarna Križanec & Partnerji v Ljubljani je ena izmed vodilnih odvetniških pisarn s sedežem v Ljubljani. Ekipa je specializirana za izpolnjevanje kompleksnih potreb domačih in mednarodnih strank, ki se pogosto raztezajo med različnimi jurisdikcijami in pravnimi področji. Strokovnjaki Odvetniške pisarne Križanec & Partnerji v Ljubljani imajo široko znanje in izkušnje na področju združitev in prevzemov, korporacijskega in gospodarskega prava, bančnega prava, finančnega prava, gospodarskih sporov, konkurenčnega prava, prava intelektualne lastnine, javnih naročil in insolvenčnega prava.

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